John Cassim


“Thank you Masvingo for a great Sunday service followed by the HUGE TURNOUT to our @DUZ_Prosperity meeting, despite heavy rains. , Your love & commitment is felt & inspiring. Together, our message of #Prosperity#Justice & #Modernization inspires many. #ProsperityIsPossible,” Robert Chapman said via twitter.

The high rising Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) leader, Robert Chapman now nicknamed ‘Zimbabwean Obama’ is slowly making inroads, with a meeting in Masvingo over the weekend.

Chapman has already hinted he will be contesting the 2023 presidential election, with no political background but support from some politicians and experience as a businessperson.

“I am a Zimbabwean, a husband, a father, a Christian and a businessman. I have not run for political office before anywhere and I’m proud to say that I’ve not done that. Some will say, ‘do you have the experience?’ I do. In the business world, we do interact with the government and private sector which is why I understand the situation of jobs,” said Chapman recently during an interview with the Bulawayo based CITE.

When Chapman announced that he would be contesting the 2023 polls, a senior Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) official, David Coltart, suggested that Chapman should join the Chamisa-led party.

Chapman turned down the CCC overture

Meanwhile the Alliance for the People’s Agenda (APA) formerly led by Nkosana Moyo has already endorsed Chapman and his Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) as the share the same values of meritocracy – based politics

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