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Mana Pools Conservation Agreement established for Zambia & Zimbabwe

John Cassim Zimbabwe and Zambian Ministers Mangaliso Ndlovu and Rodney Sikumba, after signing the LOZAMAP TFCA MoU in Harare. Harare, Zimbabwe – Zambia and Zimbabwe have established the Lower Zambezi-Mana Pools (LOZAMAP) TransFrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) after signing an MoU. The approach a few weeks ago by these two governments is meant to promote regional […]

Mana Pools Conservation Agreement established for Zambia & Zimbabwe Read More »

Painted dogs vulnerable during denning season

– visitors exploring Mana Pools and Hwange National Park must refrain from approaching den sites, painted dog experts have appealed. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Wildlife experts have warned, getting closer to Painted dogs denning sites may result in slight disturbances that will cause the premature death of the puppies. According to a cautionary statement

Painted dogs vulnerable during denning season Read More »

Zimbabwe minister warn operators in the Carbon Credit industry, to comply in two months

– we desire to see you regularize. I hope you will utilize the one month to two month window, so that we give those contracts a priority, Minister Ndlovu said. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister, Mangaliso Ndlovu, has warned all carbon trading operators to comply with the new Carbon Credit Framework. Ndlovu

Zimbabwe minister warn operators in the Carbon Credit industry, to comply in two months Read More »

Mana Pools dries up due to climate change

– The 2019 drought left Mana Pools dry for the first time and two out of four have not recovered since then, officials revealed. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management (ZimParks) officials have expressed concern, Mana Pools are drying up owing to climate change. The 2019 drought left Mana Pools dry

Mana Pools dries up due to climate change Read More »

Chilli repellent help increase harvest in Zimbabwe

– The chilli repellent has reduced human – wildlife conflict when both animals and humans would be fighting for food, Godfrey Mpofu a beneficiary revealed. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Chilli fences have brought some relief to Godfrey Mpofu aged 57, who for the first time this year, has harvested enough to take him through,

Chilli repellent help increase harvest in Zimbabwe Read More »

Environmental regulator in Zimbabwe averts secondary deaths from mining and farming activities

– I was taught that cyanide kills, I don’t want to die prematurely hence I have leant to take all the measures to save my life, a mine worker in Sanyati said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – In 2015, poachers killed at least 300 elephants after poisoning water points with cyanide in Hwange National Park.

Environmental regulator in Zimbabwe averts secondary deaths from mining and farming activities Read More »

Green revolution turns Rwanda into a world bird viewing destination

– New revelations point to the ‘return of birds’ to Kigali, and potentially turning Rwanda’s capital into a world bird viewing destination. John Cassim/Johnson Kanamugire KIGALI, RWANDA – The capital city of Rwanda, Kigali, has recently seen a rise in the number of birds, which conservationists say could position ‘Africa’s Most Clean City’ into a

Green revolution turns Rwanda into a world bird viewing destination Read More »

Zimbabwe to help Malawi as Tropical Cyclone Freddy death toll rise to 522.

– To widen the scope of donations to Malawi, the Government is encouraging the private sector, national institutions and citizens to donate. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwean government on Tuesday announced it will help Malawi, as officials in the region report that Tropical Cyclone Freddy has claimed 522 lives. This follows a deliberation

Zimbabwe to help Malawi as Tropical Cyclone Freddy death toll rise to 522. Read More »

Zimbabwe to commemorate International Day of Forest in biodiversity rich, Muzarabani

– Zimbabwe’s forests contain 492 million metric tons of carbon in living forest biomass hence forest conservation is essential. John Cassim HARAR, ZIMBABWE – The International Day of Forests, is commemorated each year on the 21st of March following a United Nations proclamation in 2012. Zimbabwe joins the world in these commemorations with an awareness event

Zimbabwe to commemorate International Day of Forest in biodiversity rich, Muzarabani Read More »

Mango production doubles after rigorous war with Alien Invasive Fruit Flies in the region.

– most of the farmers are now making losses of 30% or lower compared to 70% – 90% four years ago, icipe officials revealed. John Cassim MUREHWA, ZIMBABWE (AA) – Mango production in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, has more than doubled owing to a fruit flies eradication program, that has seen farmers now reaping

Mango production doubles after rigorous war with Alien Invasive Fruit Flies in the region. Read More »

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