Zimbabweans urged to conserve the environment to achieve good public health

– If you look at it, you see that the environment is actually the source of whatever comes back to us as diseases, experts said. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – Zimbabwean health experts on Friday made a call for the conservation of nature and warned that today’s health challenges emanate from a degraded environment. […]

Health scare as Mhandamabwe Clinic goes for months with no water.

“For now, we do not have water, and we have to buy three buckets for US$1, a local nurse revealed John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – A health disaster is looming at Mhandamabwe Clinic in Chivi District, as it has gone for months without water. Chivi is a district in Masvingo, nearly 300 kilometers south […]

Mana Pools Conservation Agreement established for Zambia & Zimbabwe

John Cassim Zimbabwe and Zambian Ministers Mangaliso Ndlovu and Rodney Sikumba, after signing the LOZAMAP TFCA MoU in Harare. Harare, Zimbabwe – Zambia and Zimbabwe have established the Lower Zambezi-Mana Pools (LOZAMAP) TransFrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) after signing an MoU. The approach a few weeks ago by these two governments is meant to promote regional […]

16 White rhinos reintroduced to DR Congo national park

Staff Reporter HARARE, Zimbabwe – Sixteen southern white rhinos have been released into Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), officials said on Saturday, reintroducing an endangered species that was decimated by poaching. The last northern white rhino in the park, which lies in the DRC’s northeast, was poached in 2006. […]

Zim hospitals powered up through Global Fund S4H

-Hospitals could not store the vaccines due to power cuts, resulting in pregnant mothers having to prolong immunisation, a pregnant mother in Umzingwane revealed. Harare, Zimbabwe – Everjoice Banda (24) a mother of one from Umzingwane in Matabeleland South, is one of more than six million beneficiaries of the Global Fund-funded Solar for Health (S4H) […]

UNDP’s solar project improve drug storage in Zimbabwe

-we are now able to store our medicines for three to four days without electricity which is a cost-cutting measure for NatPharm John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – UNDP’s Solar for Health (S4H) project, has transformed drug storage at National Pharmaceutical Company (NatPharm) Masvingo branch, located 295 km south of Harare. Masvingo NatPharm had 640 solar […]

Zimbabwe minister warn operators in the Carbon Credit industry, to comply in two months

– we desire to see you regularize. I hope you will utilize the one month to two month window, so that we give those contracts a priority, Minister Ndlovu said. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister, Mangaliso Ndlovu, has warned all carbon trading operators to comply with the new Carbon Credit Framework. Ndlovu […]

IUCN Director General’s Statement for International Day for Biological Diversity

IUCN, through its Members, Commissions and Secretariat, has been actively engaging in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s processes for many years. When the Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted, IUCN welcomed the commitment to conserve at least 30% of terrestrial, inland water and coastal and marine areas. We also applaud the inclusion of distinct components for each of […]

Climate Change affects all the rights of children in Zimbabwe: Swedish Ambassador

– climate change is making it very difficult for parents to put food on the table and this is affecting children more, Swedish Ambassador to Zimbabwe Ms Asa Pehrson said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – The Swedish Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Ms Asa Pehrson, has hinted climate change is affecting all the rights of children in […]

Ken Sharpe pledges to revive the environment around West Property projects

– at least US$ 1 million has been set aside to revamp the wetland within the Mellenium Heights property area, Ken Sharpe said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Kenneth Sharpe, the Chief Executive Officer of West Property Holdings, has promised to restore the environment within the parameters of his projects. Sharpe made the remarks recently […]