The Hosting of COP-15 Does Not Make Zimbabwe Immune to Environmental Challenges

By John Cassim The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) Director of Environmental Management Services, Steady Kangata, has cautioned critics that hosting the Ramsar COP 15 on Wetlands does not make Zimbabwe a saint. Kangata was responding to the wide criticism against EMA following the water pollution of Lake Chivero in Harare that led to the death […]

Cyanide and Sodium Hydroxide Poisoning Caused Fish and Livestock Deaths in Shashe River: EMA

By John Cassim The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) has revealed that cyanide and sodium hydroxide poisoning caused fish and livestock deaths following a spillage from Cambria 4 Mine in Masvingo a fortnight ago. “The Agency collected water samples from the river for analysis at the Environmental Management laboratory, which revealed an elevated pH level, likely […]

Zimbabwe to brace for climate change induced power shortages

-there is likely to be a delayed start to the rainfall season for the whole of Southern Africa due to the presence of El Nino, FEWSNET warned. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – The Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) has reduced water allocation for hydroelectricity generation this year for Zambia and Zimbabwe, amid growing concerns of […]

SADC urged to prioritise environmental and tourism policies.

-Environmental degradation, climate change impacts, and illegal harvesting of natural resources should be addressed, SADC Ministers agreed. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – Environment, Natural Resources, and Tourism Ministers from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have been urged to prioritise policies, projects, and activities on environment, natural resources, and tourism in the region. The […]

A walk to save wildlife in the Zambezi Valley gathers momentum.

– the walk will give participants a deeper understanding of the conservation story, the human story, and the vulnerability of the area, ZEF said. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – A 30-day walk of over 330 km along the Zambezi valley, aimed at saving biodiversity and wildlife, has gathered momentum. The journey, which includes walking […]

UNICEF capacitates Zimbabwean youths on climate change

-6.5 million children (0-18 years old) in Zimbabwe are at risk of impact from climate-induced emergencies, UNICEF says. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe (CZ) – UNICEF is on a drive to capacitate young Zimbabweans on the impact of climate change on children. In October 2022, UNICEF launched the Climate, Energy, Environment, and Children Strategy to help […]

Zimbabwe helps meet refugees’ food needs

-No matter the circumstances that have pushed refugees to flee their countries, we serve them without discrimination and ensure that they are able to put food on their tables, Francesca Erdelmann, WFP Representative and Country Director in Zimbabwe, said. -John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe (CZ) – The Zimbabwean government has contributed 4.400 metric tones of maize […]

Zimbabweans urged to conserve the environment to achieve good public health

– If you look at it, you see that the environment is actually the source of whatever comes back to us as diseases, experts said. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – Zimbabwean health experts on Friday made a call for the conservation of nature and warned that today’s health challenges emanate from a degraded environment. […]

Health scare as Mhandamabwe Clinic goes for months with no water.

“For now, we do not have water, and we have to buy three buckets for US$1, a local nurse revealed John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – A health disaster is looming at Mhandamabwe Clinic in Chivi District, as it has gone for months without water. Chivi is a district in Masvingo, nearly 300 kilometers south […]

UNDP’s solar project improve drug storage in Zimbabwe

-we are now able to store our medicines for three to four days without electricity which is a cost-cutting measure for NatPharm John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – UNDP’s Solar for Health (S4H) project, has transformed drug storage at National Pharmaceutical Company (NatPharm) Masvingo branch, located 295 km south of Harare. Masvingo NatPharm had 640 solar […]