UNICEF capacitates Zimbabwean youths on climate change

-6.5 million children (0-18 years old) in Zimbabwe are at risk of impact from climate-induced emergencies, UNICEF says. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe (CZ) – UNICEF is on a drive to capacitate young Zimbabweans on the impact of climate change on children. In October 2022, UNICEF launched the Climate, Energy, Environment, and Children Strategy to help […]
Effective biodiversity conservation requires empowering and supporting Indigenous people

– Basic income schemes such as CBIs improve well-being, reduce poverty, and redress inequalities including gender inequity, experts have revealed. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Imagine governments including Zimbabwe, were to simply transfer money, unconditionally, to people living in protected and key conservation areas throughout the world. From Indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest to […]
Environmental regulator in Zimbabwe averts secondary deaths from mining and farming activities

– I was taught that cyanide kills, I don’t want to die prematurely hence I have leant to take all the measures to save my life, a mine worker in Sanyati said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – In 2015, poachers killed at least 300 elephants after poisoning water points with cyanide in Hwange National Park. […]