‘No mining in Mana Pools’ Zim Environ Minister declares

– Our policy as a government is very clear that in our protected areas, we do not do mining exploration, Environment Minister Ndlovu said. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwean Environment Minister, Mangaliso Ndlovu has declared, there will be no mining in Mana Pools. Ndlovu made the declaration Friday, in the capital Harare, on the […]

16 000 species face imminent extinction as biodiversity die.

– It appears that our food and fuel production is happening at the expense of other species, IUCN says. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – At least 16 000 species are feared could become extinct soon as the number of endangered species continues to increase year after year. Some endangered species, such as tigers, are known […]

Effective biodiversity conservation requires empowering and supporting Indigenous people 

– Basic income schemes such as CBIs improve well-being, reduce poverty, and redress inequalities including gender inequity, experts have revealed. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Imagine governments including Zimbabwe, were to simply transfer money, unconditionally, to people living in protected and key conservation areas throughout the world. From Indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest to […]

Seven die after hippo capsized boat in Malawi

– Rescuers are continuing the search for those missing but that process is very difficult and dangerous, a district police spokesperson revealed. John Cassim  HARARE, ZIMBABWE – At least seven people including a baby are now confirmed dead after a hippo capsized a boat that was carrying 37 people, on the Shire river in southern […]

Historic US$50 million boost for Zimbabwe conservation

– The revised agreement begins immediately and commits the partnership to a further 25 years with an expected investment of about US$50M over that time, IFAW top official said. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) has signed a historic 25-year agreement to secure a US$50 million partnership, to support […]

Zimbabwe records 60% spike of veld fire incidents and deaths

-The total area burnt increased by 60.92% compared to 2021, while 18 fire related deaths were recorded in 2022 compared to 8 in 2021, Environment Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu said. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Speaking ahead of the launch of the 2023 National Fire Week launch, Zimbabwean Environment Minister, Mangaliso Ndlovu, on Monday revealed, 2022 […]

ConserveZim, commemorates World Press Freedom Day

John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – May 3rd, is World Press Freedom Day, and this year as ConserveZim, we mark the 30th year of this UN International Day.  This year’s theme as defined by UNESCO is, “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights.” Press freedom and reliable […]

Ken Sharpe pledges to revive the environment around West Property projects

– at least US$ 1 million has been set aside to revamp the wetland within the Mellenium Heights property area, Ken Sharpe said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Kenneth Sharpe, the Chief Executive Officer of West Property Holdings, has promised to restore the environment within the parameters of his projects. Sharpe made the remarks recently […]

Zimbabwe seized with effects of climate change, land degradation in agriculture and mining

– regulations to reduce land degradation and deforestation are being tightened especially in mining areas, Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – While speaking during the 43rd Independence celebrations in Mt Darwin, Mashonaland Central, on 18 April, President Emmerson Mnangagwa pointed out that his administration is continuing to de-risk and climate proof agriculture. […]

Bird lovers in Zimbabwe worry over extinction of Vultures

– Vulture species are declining because of agriculture which is taking up so much space for animal life, hence less food but poisoning is killing more, a bird lover revealed. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Vultures are essential for human health as they play a fundamental role that no other birds do, of cleaning our […]