Zimbabwean Aquaculture Fish: A Potentially Safer Protein Source

John Cassim Experts have revealed that Zimbabwean fish produced through aquaculture could be a safer source of protein, as no fish-to-human disease transmission has been recorded. This positive finding comes amid global concerns about the alarming rise of zoonotic diseases, contributing to Neglected Tropical Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in humans. While wild fish can […]
Drought Threatens DRC Mining as Water Levels in Cahora Bassa Remain Low

John Cassim Low water levels at the Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant (HCB) due to ongoing drought are raising concerns about continued power shortages in Mozambique, potentially impacting mining operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Cahora Bassa, a major regional energy supplier, is struggling with low reservoir levels, significantly affecting electricity exports to countries […]
SADC urged to prioritise environmental and tourism policies.

-Environmental degradation, climate change impacts, and illegal harvesting of natural resources should be addressed, SADC Ministers agreed. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – Environment, Natural Resources, and Tourism Ministers from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have been urged to prioritise policies, projects, and activities on environment, natural resources, and tourism in the region. The […]
UNICEF capacitates Zimbabwean youths on climate change

-6.5 million children (0-18 years old) in Zimbabwe are at risk of impact from climate-induced emergencies, UNICEF says. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe (CZ) – UNICEF is on a drive to capacitate young Zimbabweans on the impact of climate change on children. In October 2022, UNICEF launched the Climate, Energy, Environment, and Children Strategy to help […]
Health scare as Mhandamabwe Clinic goes for months with no water.

“For now, we do not have water, and we have to buy three buckets for US$1, a local nurse revealed John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe (CZ) – A health disaster is looming at Mhandamabwe Clinic in Chivi District, as it has gone for months without water. Chivi is a district in Masvingo, nearly 300 kilometers south […]
Mana Pools Conservation Agreement established for Zambia & Zimbabwe

John Cassim Zimbabwe and Zambian Ministers Mangaliso Ndlovu and Rodney Sikumba, after signing the LOZAMAP TFCA MoU in Harare. Harare, Zimbabwe – Zambia and Zimbabwe have established the Lower Zambezi-Mana Pools (LOZAMAP) TransFrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) after signing an MoU. The approach a few weeks ago by these two governments is meant to promote regional […]
Seven orphaned elephants released to the wild in Zimbabwe

– We are happy to see wild animals rescued and successfully rehabilitated, take their first steps back to the wild, IFAW said. John Cassim Harare, Zimbabwe – Seven orphaned elephant calves, that were rescued years ago from traumatic circumstances, have been released in the wild. According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), the […]
‘No mining in Mana Pools’ Zim Environ Minister declares

– Our policy as a government is very clear that in our protected areas, we do not do mining exploration, Environment Minister Ndlovu said. John Cassim HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwean Environment Minister, Mangaliso Ndlovu has declared, there will be no mining in Mana Pools. Ndlovu made the declaration Friday, in the capital Harare, on the […]
African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) train wildlife officials in anti-poaching skills

– These trainings have continued to recognise the importance and capabilities of the girl child for gender balance and equality, a wildlife official said. John Cassim HARARE, ZIMBABWE – At least 15 trainees drawn from the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks) and the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA), have graduated in anti-poaching skills on […]
Power generation on Lake Kariba remains suppressed despite an increase of water inflow

– flows of water recorded at Vic Falls Gauging Station increases from 1.192 cubic meters per second same date last year, to 1600 cubic meters per second on February 16 this year. – a recovery from 489 cubic meters per second on 1st January 2023 to 1538 cubic meters on 16th February 2023, was recorded at Chavuma […]